
Why do we offer free Wills?

The simplest Wills are usually brief and easy to draft, so we’ve decided to offer those for free.  However experience has shown us that people’s circumstances are rarely as simple as they believe.  Once you start your free will, we will provide information and warnings along the way to help you identify any risks that may apply to you, and if so we strongly recommend you seek personalised advice on how to address those risks.

A new wave of lawyers are now specialising in contesting Wills, with a ‘no win, no fee’ approach, which means now, more than ever, it is so important to ensure your Will is ‘bullet-proof’.  If a Will is well drafted from the beginning, it can help your family avoid an ugly battle further down the road.

Please go ahead and start your free Will.  You can download the pdf version of the Will at the end of the process.